Liste des univers JOL

Nom Mise à jour
Earthrise 29/04/2013 11:32
Asheron's Call 2 18/12/2012 11:28
City of Heroes et City of Villains 05/12/2012 12:03
Neocron 21/11/2012 22:37
Gods and Heroes 06/11/2012 10:59
Leelh 29/09/2012 18:30
Trials of Ascension 14/09/2012 00:34
RF Online 25/07/2012 09:38
Shadowbane 13/04/2012 15:00
Mythos 10/01/2012 11:17
All Points Bulletin 02/06/2011 02:27
Jumpgate Evolution 08/12/2010 14:42
Cities XL 13/09/2010 12:04
The Chronicles of Spellborn 10/08/2010 11:34
Might & Magic Heroes Kingdoms 27/05/2010 13:35
Left 4 Dead 21/04/2010 17:21
Hyperiums 26/03/2010 22:52
Stargate Worlds 27/01/2010 09:42
City of Villains 17/09/2009 10:36
The Matrix Online 31/07/2009 16:44
Dream of Mirror Online 25/07/2009 20:26
Tabula Rasa 31/05/2009 16:47
Hellgate 01/04/2009 15:26
The Sims Online 30/04/2008 14:34
Dark and Light 17/03/2008 12:49