You Touched My Tra La Fell

0 aime, 1 n'aime pas.

Publiée le 24 novembre 2010 à 08:41

Voici une vidéo que j'ai trouvée assez drôle. Le créateur a mis ceci comme description :

FFXIV - Trabia Server

After noticing that the Lalafell's /poke move was dangerously close to everyone's sensitive area, a certain song popped into my head. After two weeks of recording Cobra Kai Dojo members as I would come across them, I put this together.

**No private areas were harmed during the making of this video.**

Auteur : AFLACzizi
Mise en ligne par : giuseppe5783
Mots-clefs : final-fantasy-xiv-onlinegiuseppe5783aflaczizimusiquelalafelltralala

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