Blaze Your Own Trail - Exploration

Blaze Your Own Trail - Exploration Newsletter #39 - Peek of the Week Blaze Your Own Trail - Exploration Blaze Your Own Trail - Exploration Blaze Your Own Trail - Exploration Blaze Your Own Trail - Exploration Elite: Dangerous in Ultra High Definition Elite 30th Anniversary Elite: Dangerous Books - Part 3 Comms Chatter - The Profitable Life of a Trader! Newsletter #39 - Peek of the Week

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Blaze Your Own Trail - Exploration

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Blaze Your Own Trail - Exploration

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Blaze Your Own Trail - Exploration

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Blaze Your Own Trail - Exploration

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Blaze Your Own Trail - Exploration

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Elite: Dangerous in Ultra High Definition

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Plateformes Linux, MacOS, PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox One
Genres Gestion, indépendant, MMO, simulation, stratégie, tir, futuriste / science-fiction, science-fiction

Bêta ouverte 29 juillet 2014
Sortie 16 décembre 2014
26 avril 2016 (Xbox One)
2017 (PlayStation 4)

Que pensez-vous de Elite Dangerous ?

69 aiment, 19 pas.
Note moyenne : (91 évaluations | 0 critique)
7,7 / 10 - Très bien